What is a Keditation?

You’re familiar with meditation, a mindfulness practice designed to train attention and awareness to achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state. Meditation has been widely cited as an effective tool to combat anxiety and depression.

Ketamine has been used since the early 2000s by medical professionals due to its ability to rapidly alleviate depression and other negative thoughts. Today, due to the expansion of telemedicine, patients can heal at home with legally prescribed, low-dose, sublingual ketamine.

Patients are invited to set an intention, embark on a ketamine session, and then integrate the insights derived from the session – this practice is called a ‘keditation.’

Ketamine affects the brain by moving a person into a theta brainwave state, similar to what occurs in meditation. This theta brainwave state is how ketamine delivers calming, anti-anxiety effects and also supports processing information and learning.

This new approach to mental health treatment comes with an entirely new set of protocols, best practices, and healing modalities to help patients establish holistic practices alongside their treatment to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Wondermed’s at-home program gives accessibility to ketamine treatment from the comfort of home. This convenience factor helps empower patients to be their own healers, giving them the resources to assemble their healing team around them and practices to support them along the way.

In this article, we’ll discuss how keditation is structured, the benefits of keditation, and other key aspects to consider when embarking on your keditation journey.

The Wondermed Protocol - How to Start a Keditation

If you’re not already a Wondermed patient, you’ll want to first check your eligibility at wondermed.com.
Once you become a patient you’ll receive your Wondermed Starter Kit, which has everything you need to get started with keditation by following these steps:

1. Set your intention

‘Set’ or your mindset, refers to the focus or intention you want to bring into your keditation.

Take some time to explore what you hope to gain from the experience and choose an intention that feels unique and special to you. The intention that you feel might vary from session to session.

Consider a guiding word or phrase that you can keep coming back to as an anchor to remind your inner healer the insight you’re looking for on your journey inward. Ensure to use the intention as a guide, not an expectation.

Here are some guiding questions that can help you generate a unique intention:

  1. What’s inspiring your decision to work with ketamine and keditation?
  2. Where in your life are you feeling out of balance?
  3. What external triggers are activating your emotions and causing an imbalance?
  4. Knowing these triggers, what outcome would you ideally like to create for yourself?
  5. What emotions are associated with this ideal outcome?
  6. What request can you make of the session today in relation to this desired outcome?
  7. Help me: _____
  8. Show me: _____

2. Prepare your setting

Where you do your keditation is just as important as your mindset. You’ll want to cultivate a setting that is comfortable, safe, and supportive.

Find an area away from any distractions, where you can be quiet and won’t be disturbed, and choose a trusted ally who can be there to support you throughout the session should you need anything.

Wondermed requires that you plan accordingly on the day of your ketamine meditation session:

  • No food at least 4 hours before taking ketamine
  • No driving for 6 hours after taking ketamine
  • To avoid nausea, take your ginger capsule 30 minutes before your session (provided in your welcome kit)
  • Avoid other substances such as alcohol, marijuana, etc.
  • Limit caffeine intake
  • Avoid violent/negative media and contact with high-stress situations
  • Take your blood pressure before going into your session as indicated in your patient dashboard

3. Choose the right soundscape for your keditation

The right playlist is an essential piece of a psychedelic journey that can be the conduit for your experience to unfold. Wondermed has lovingly crafted a selection of music journeys that match up to a range of unique intentions.

Each Wondermed provided keditation starts with a 10-minute guided meditation and clear instructions for taking your ketamine lozenge, followed by a 50-minute music journey to guide you through your session.

If you’re looking for more music to use alongside your keditation practice, we’ve curated a list of our favorite playlists to take into your keditation.

4. Release your expectations

While you set an intention free from expectations before you began your keditation journey, here’s another reminder that releasing expectations helps you get the most from your experience – don’t force it! Part of the healing power of keditation is allowing your subconscious to unravel and reveal what you need to see in order to heal and make connections that you might not have made consciously.

5. Keep an open mind and heart

Lastly, and certainly not least, keep an open mind and heart as you enter your keditation. Remind yourself to release any judgment or predisposed notions you may carry about yourself, which will allow you to access the full healing potential that keditation can provide.

What does ketamine meditation do to the brain?

In addition to alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression, keditation has a powerful effect on the brain that can have long-lasting neural effects.

Ketamine works as an antagonist for a class of receptors known as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs). The interaction with this receptor in addition to the effects it has on glutamate signaling results in an increase in neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to grow, change and reorganize.

When combined with the antidepressant effects of ketamine, an increase in neuroplasticity provides an opportunity to create lasting and meaningful changes by forming new neural pathways that support new insights from a ketamine treatment session.

The brain thus becomes primed to adopt holistic, healthy practices, thoughts, and ideas, allowing patients to respond more positively to stimuli that may have otherwise triggered negative emotions and thought patterns.

Benefits of a Ketamine Meditation

Keditation has the potential to bring about healthy and positive change when used as a tool in your healing practice.

Increased neural connections in your brain to heal your anxiety and depression

Antidepressant effects combined with the advanced neural processes that take place after keditation gives patients a unique opportunity to rewire their brain and change how they think and the way they respond to the world around them.

When mindfulness practices are used alongside a keditation practice, the added benefits can be healing and more likely to stick. Keditation alongside meditation, breathwork, and journaling are useful for understanding insights deeper and integrating these insights into daily life.

Renewed clarity and deeper insights

When suffering from mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, finding clarity can often feel impossible as overwhelming emotions can block the ability to think clearly.

Keditation is a chance to turn off your conscious mind and let your subconscious show you what it needs to begin healing and change your perspective on certain situations and events.

This renewed clarity and perspective can then be integrated into your daily life to make meaningful changes that support more positive ways of thinking and being.

Detachment from ego

The ego is a vital part of being, keeping you safe and away from danger. But sometimes the ego can get in the way of true happiness and well-being.

Keditation is an opportunity to detach from the ego and process information without it. This is helpful when trying to see a situation more objectively with less emotion attached to it. With less ego involvement you can be more observant of your thoughts and feelings and find new ways to approach difficult situations.

Should you add keditation to your self-healing journey?

Keditation is a powerful way to process information, gain new insights, and practice self-healing all from the comfort of your own home.

This practice is an opportunity for fast relief from anxiety and depression symptoms and to build long-lasting positive habits in your life using the increased neuroplasticity from ketamine alongside the deep insights you gain from each session.

If you’re unsure if you’d be a good fit for keditation with at-home ketamine treatment, take our eligibility survey. Our clinicians take their time to assess fit and dosage to give you the best treatment plan to use alongside your self-healing journey.